• Ignore Political Parties and Vote for Great New Candidates.
      • Ignore the D or R behind their name, that’s just for fundraising.
      • Ignore your Precinct Captain and Alderman’s advice, they want to keep you in their control.
      • Ignore your Family Voting Traditions, they will betray you again and again.

If the old Democrat Party really loved you why would they allow your kids to be killed every day in front of your homes?
If the old Republican Party really loved you why would they have totally quit on Chicago?

It can’t be worse than what we’ve got!

      • – No more BS Politicians
      • – No more soft on crime Prosecutors
      • – No more quick release of habitual criminals
      • – No more broken families
      • – No more dumbed-down Schools
      • – No more favors to School Unions – Yes to Kids and Vouchers
      • – No more favors to big Corporations
      • – No more favors to Banksters
      • – No more disrespecting Police, Fire, and other Emergency People
      • – No more believing the Media, they are proven liars and love to divide us.


Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

Are bill collectors or court cases messing with your credit score or causing credit damage?
go to
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Case No. 202X CA 045646 NC








A Public Education Campaign

TIME: 4:30 PM EDT. 3:30 PM CDT, 2:30 PM MDT, 1:30 PM PDT and 10:30 AM HST


American Property Owners Network (APON),
a nationally-registered 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation,

Working to Help Americans Stop Unlawful Foreclosures

Everyone Is Invited to APON’s Introductory Q & A Webinar

 Please scroll down for public webinar registration (and CLE credit) information!

For inquiries, please contact:

2021-22 post-COVID will be the next big foreclosure/eviction event!

WHAT IS APON? The American Property Owners Network (APON) is a new non-profit organization whose mission is to help unite American homeowners, property owners and legal experts against massive lending and foreclosure fraud. It is currently going to court in Florida to change foreclosure court proceedings. If successful, the APON suit could greatly limit the ability of current foreclosing parties to take people’s homes and property in Florida and hopefully lead to nationwide court procedure improvements.
On Tuesday, July 6th at 4:30 pm EST, APON is hosting a Zoom Q & A Webinar regarding their mission to help homeowners, the current state of the foreclosure debacle, and progress of APON’s formal petition to the Florida Supreme Court, being filed by Neil Garfield. This event will also introduce a new series of workshops on successful foreclosure defense (where attending lawyers will earn CLE points). Registration fees to APON’s webinars will be used to support APON’s litigation for homeowner groups.
CLE CREDIT: Lawyers who wish to attend our planned series for CLE credit and/or volunteer should email APON Secretary Ann Chin after they have signed up for the introductory webinar via the link below.
REGISTRATION AND COST/REGISTRATION LINK: The link and contact information to register for interested lawyers and the public to join the Webinar is directly below. In order to come to the Zoom Webinar, the link shares the APON request for a small $50 donation, which will be used to support our Florida Supreme Court action.
For homeowners or the public to find out more, to sign up to be a member and/or to volunteer, go to
For legal professionals to volunteer only, scroll down to the end of the homepage article on multi-plaintiff actions, or visit the Living Lies website, and fill out the APON form.
American Property Owners Network’s mission is to obtain justice for survivors of unlawful foreclosures through political and mass judicial action; to restore the integrity of public land records and the judicial processes; and to educate the public. Go to to find out more.

The Gallant Goose Reminds You: Lenders dont grant mortgages, they only issue Loans it is YOU that grants the mortgage/security to them!

Note: APON is an affiliate of The Gallant Goose & Friends

Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

Are bill collectors or court cases messing with your credit score or causing credit damage?
go to
fast… easy… final

APON & THE CON – Docuseries World Premiere & Live Panel *EXCLUSIVE*

What every property owner, past, present and future needs to know!

An in-depth investigation into the 2008 financial crisis nine years in the making. Through interviews with regulators, former officials, foreclosure victims, industry whistleblowers, and journalists, THE CON connects the dots to what America used to be and where we’re headed in 2020, as nearly 40 million American’s are currently claiming unemployment. Stay tuned for a live conversation with the filmmakers and voices from THE CON after the screening.

Watch the next Episodes here:

While you’re thinking about this – come join our newest affiliate “APON” the American Property Owners Network, a non-partisan, not-for-profit activist group of homeowners and experts dedicated to changing the balance of power in court between Big Banks working with Government Swampsters and YOU!
> Tell them The Gallant Goose sent you!
Email Ann Chin at:

Here is a message from APON Secretary Ann Chin:
We are a new 501(c)(4) organization-less than 1 year old- whose mission is to unite homeowners and property owners against fraudulent foreclosures. We hope to organize mass litigation—such as Petitions to state Supreme Courts and multi-plaintiff actions—and to put massive public pressure on government officials to act on behalf of all homeowners in order to protect our Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

If you are joining APON to stand up for the rights of all property owners, we are humbly grateful and applaud you. If you have faced—or are facing—fraudulent foreclosure (which some of us call “fraudclosure”), we empathize with you, as we know fraudclosure is one of the most devastating things that anyone can face. We know from personal experience, as every one of us on the board has either lost our homes or is STILL fighting in court to save our homes or get justice—we’ve lost sleep, money, professional time and irreplaceable personal time with family and friends, and we have suffered physically and mentally—just like you.

Fraudulent foreclosure can be devastating and our hearts and prayers go out to each and every one of you. We would like to meet you, if we haven’t already. We will have regular Zoom meetings to discuss our shared interests and needs. If any of you are interested in volunteering or joining our leadership, please let us know. If you know any courageous “Lawyers Who Get It” in your state, please pass this along to them as well.

To begin with, we are starting litigation led by Attorney Neil Garfield in Florida which will change the rules governing how courts determine if a foreclosure plaintiff has a legitimate claim. If we are successful, we will greatly reduce the number of people who must face foreclosure in Florida and we hope to repeat the process in other states. In the face of the tidal wave of foreclosures which the pandemic threatens to initiate, this is hugely important. A lot of what we will be able to do will depend on our members, as we are volunteer-run.

We will also need to do organizing and fund-raising, membership drives and outreach, public education and lobbying. We will also discuss how we can all help with the membership drive and Q and A which will occur at a Zoom meeting June 23rd at 8:30 pm with Neil Garfield.

Hope to see you soon!

Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

Are bill collectors or court cases messing with your credit score or causing credit damage?
go to
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Who is legally affected by a presidential executive order?


Many Americans are confused about whom is affected by a presidential executive order. For example, when FDR issued an executive order demanding that all Americans turn in their gold and silver to the government, it was an unenforceable, unconstitutional demand to take property without due process. Nonetheless, ignorant Americans followed the order and received just pennies on the dollar for their property, which was then turned over to the federal reserve system at a massive profit. FDR got away with it because the people loved him and they thought it would “help out” the war effort. Instead, it was a giant “land grab” for the government to settle debts with the federal reserve.

In fact, executive orders only apply to those people working in departments under the direct control of the executive branch of government. They do not affect congress, the supreme court, state governments, or We the People.

Here are some resources for you to ponder.

An executive order issued by the President or the chief executive officer of a state has the force of law, and it is promulgated in accordance with applicable law. [42 USCS § 14616]. The object of executive orders issued by the President is to help officers and agencies of the executive branch to manage the operations within the Federal Government.
A presidential executive order (EO) is a directive issued to federal agencies, department heads, or other federal employees by the President of the United States under his statutory or constitutional powers.

In many ways, presidential executive orders are similar to written orders, or instructions issued by the president of a corporation to its department heads or directors.

Thirty days after being published in the Federal Register, executive orders take effect. While they do bypass the U.S. Congress and the standard legislative law-making process, no part of an executive order may direct the agencies to conduct illegal or unconstitutional activities.

Find more here:

One simple question about the 2020 Presidential Election




Vote ONLY for the offices of President/VP? (OR)

Vote for President/VP and ALSO other candidates on your ballot?

Privacy Guarantee: This is an anonymous non-partisan public opinion poll regarding the 2020 election. By answering this question your personal information will not be tracked in any way. We will not be able to determine who you voted for. Your log-in information or MAC address or your network IP address will not be shared with anyone. We are in no way affiliated with any campaign of any candidate or political party in the USA or any corporate or international entity. Please feel safe in being honest.

Merit On The Ropes – The Leftist Campaign Against Educational Excellence Spreads

Students Who Study With Private Tutors Are The Same As Athletes Who Take Illegal “Performance Enhancement Drugs.” – Atif Qarni, Virginia Education Secretary

This even when tutors are made available to all public school students in most districts at parents’ request.

 “I came to America because I believe in the American Dream of hard work and merit” “Do Americans still believe in the American Dream?” –  Suparna Dutta, an immigrant woman from India and parent of a TJ sophomore

Merit on the Ropes – The campaign against educational excellence spreads to the suburbs.
By Asra Q. Nomani & Max Eden
September 23, 2020 Education

Last year, students at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, one of the nation’s most prestigious public schools, marked a map hanging in a hallway with their families’ far-flung places of origin: from Seoul to Beijing to Hyderabad. Twenty years ago, 70 percent of TJ students were white; today, 79 percent are minority, most from Asian immigrant families.

TJ is a testament to American meritocracy’s melting pot—but last week, Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Brabrand announced a plan to reduce the number of Asian students at this selective high school. In a four-hour online “work session”alongside the district’s all-Democratic school board, Brabrand laid out an initiative to eliminate TJ’s race-blind, merit-based admissions test and replace it with a “merit lottery” open to all eighth-graders with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in order to increase “equity of opportunity.”

This is not a novel development in American public education. The New York Times has covered activist efforts in New York City to abolish selective high schools on the grounds that sorting students by standardized test scores amounts to “institutional racism.” Asian-American parents objecting to this proposal have been accused by academics of fighting to “keep unjust structures in tact [sic] by denying historical and contemporary systemic anti-Black racial oppression.” For their part, New York’s education bureaucrats have taken aim at the concepts of academic merit and objectivity as manifestations of “white supremacy culture.”

The Left has redefined educational “equity” to mean not just lifting the bottom up but also tearing the top down. Two weeks ago, in a town hall with TJ students, Virginia Education secretary Atif Qarni compared students who study with private tutors to athletes who take illegal “performance enhancement drugs.” Last week’s TJ “work session” came on the heels of an afternoon session where Braband unveiled plans to implement an “anti-racism and anti-bias” curriculum in Fairfax County schools, including TJ. During the meeting on TJ admissions, Brabrand and school officials took repeated digs at TJ’s achievement-driven (and Asian-dominated) culture.

Brabrand lamented an “underside” to the school’s “reputation”—one that, he claimed, made “students of color” feel unwelcome. Yet TJ is nearly 80 percent nonwhite. Board member Melanie Meren blasted TJ’s “toxic” culture of “bullying” students, repeating the story of a black student who said that she felt she had to “bleach her skin” to be accepted at TJ. Yet the school’s students are largely of Indian descent.

Brabrand made clear that his plan is designed to transform the school’s racial demographics. School officials contend that a lottery would have reduced the share of Asian students in the class of 2024 from 73 percent to 54 percent, though TJ parents project, based on public-records data, that the share of Asian students would actually be slashed by more than half, to 33 percent. The share of black and Hispanic students would increase slightly, but ironically, white students would be the plan’s greatest beneficiaries, increasing from 18 percent to 45 percent of the student body.

The true stakes of this debate transcend racial bean-counting. Suparna Dutta, an immigrant from India and the parent of a TJ sophomore, watched the debate in shock. “I came to America because I believe in the American Dream of hard work and merit,” she said. “Do Americans still believe in the American Dream?”

An increasingly powerful ideological minority in the in K-12 public education bureaucracy has absorbed the teachings of critical race theory, which teaches that racism is permanently embedded in American society and that “whiteness” is an evil that cannot be redeemed. Adherents of these views in Fairfax County see Dutta and her peers—though nonwhite themselves—as benefiting from and perpetuating white supremacy. In a letter to a parent, Virginia Education secretary Qarni labeled the objections of the mostly Asian immigrant parents as “white supremacist” rhetoric.

The power of this cohort is no longer confined to major urban school districts like New York, Chicago, and Seattle. Virginia governor Ralph Northam brought likeminded ideologues to power in the state education bureaucracy, and a Joe Biden presidential victory in November could well usher them into the halls of the U.S. Department of Education.

As critical race theory gains currency among those who govern public education, we can expect more school districts and states to take aim at magnet schools and gifted programs. Parents who care about educational excellence will need to take a stand—at the ballot box.


pdf icon Monalim-HISC-Final-Order.pdf
pdf icon Alberta-Court-of-Appeal.pdf
pdf icon Opening-Brief-Defense.pdf

The war against foreclosure defense attorneys continues unabated…

In an email I received dated Monday 2020-09-14, Gary describes an attack on him by the Hawaii Attorney Office of Disciplinary Council (ODC). 
Last Wednesday, the ODC pushed the Hawaii Supreme Court to disbar him. This came as a big surprise. It was supported, in part, by an anonymous complaint from some “Joe Smith”. It is not yet final, and he will be filing for reconsideration at the end of this week by Friday 2020-09-18.

Many of us in the fight for homeowner defense know Gary from his decades of fighting for consumers by overturning some 100 cases in the Hawaii Appellate and Supreme Courts. He is also well known for his long running weekly radio series, “The Foreclosure Hour” with co-host former Hawaii Governor John Waihee.
(see link to past shows and documents here:

Gary asked me to ask you, the subscribers to The Gallant Goose ( and fellow fighters against financial and judicial injustice to submit an email to him in support. If you have any kind words to say about him, have personal experiences in which his show has helped you, or general comments, please email them to Gary with your ‘studied rage’. If he receives emails with significant support he will forward them on to the Court as character references, for what it might be worth.

If you decide to help, please act soon and submit an email in support… Time Is Of The Essence!.

Gary has done so much to help us, let us give a little back to help him. Gary’s contact information is:

Gary Victor Dubin
Dubin Law Offices
Harbor Court, Suite 3100
55 Merchant Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(808) 537-2300 (office)
(808) 392-9191 (cellular)
(808) 523-7733 (facsimile)

Licensed in California and Hawaii

Thanks so much!
greg da’ goose


To fill you in on more detail, instead of paraphrasing, I’ll let you read what Gary said, himself.


When I started foreclosure defense in Hawaii in ‘bank town’, I knew that I would be irritating vested interests. It seems the more cases I have won, the more local enemies I have made, both inside and outside the legal and banking professions.

The recent Hawaii Supreme Court Monalim decision seems to have been the final trigger for some. It is cases like Monalim that have in part caused me these problems. (see attached file: Monalim HISC Final Order.pdf)

It took me more than 11 years in case after case and constant efforts on my radio show to finally get the Hawaii deficiency judgment law changed, capstoned by the Monalim decision to change the official interpretation of the law. It saves homeowners and businesses potentially tens of millions of dollars or more yearly by preventing lenders from ripping off property owners, by henceforth measuring losses not in terms of a lender’s recoupment of forced auction sale proceeds, by instead measuring losses if any in terms of the true market value of the foreclosed property.

And not only is the recent Monalim decision this year already having national impact in other US courts, but now in Canada as well, yesterday stopping the eviction of an 87 year old widow (see attached file: Alberta Court of Appeal.pdf)

Ironically, this good news only exacerbates in my mind the unfairness of the disbarment decision, based on no supporting facts whatsoever, similar only to the falsity that today marks American politics. Considering how much good I and my team have done, the present disbarment order, unless reversed, will prevent me from continuing in the future to contribute to so many lives.

Last Wednesday’s licensing decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court to disbar me came as a big surprise, but is not yet final, and I will be filing for reconsideration at the end of this week pointing out the clear mistakes in the order, since the Court’s conclusions are not supported in the record, assuming there is honest justice left anywhere in America.

Sometimes I wonder. 

Once again, in part because homeowners and their lawyers fail to organize and by being divided they don’t fear us, they are picking us off one by one.

For your information, and before you form any opinions about the case, please read my defense attached in my opening brief. (see attached file: Opening Brief-Defense.pdf)

The order, for instance, cites as aggravating factors my supposedly having two prior disciplinary sanctions, although I have never before been disciplined for any ethical misconduct involving a client. Never. Not one.

It seems like standard operating procedure to manufacture facts when someone unseen targets you.

I have great confidence in the members of the Hawaii Supreme Court however who it appears did not themselves have time to read the record, understandably preoccupied with other matters including the pandemic’s impact upon the courts, but relied upon a staff memo that was and is clearly erroneous or some other not well meaning source.

Failing reconsideration, and based on the numerous federal due process violations detailed in the attached brief, if the Hawaii Supreme Court fails to reverse, I will seek relief in the US federal courts.

Thank you and your readers for your continued support. The war against foreclosure defense attorneys continues unabated…


Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

Are bill collectors or court cases messing with your credit score or causing credit damage?
go to
fast… easy… final

The author Greg “‘da Goose”  is the founder and host of “The Gallant Goose & Friends” TM internet radio show and podcast heard on Talkshoe channel 139335. The show focuses on consumer and homeowner defense and attack strategies and provides a forum for guest attorneys, accountants, brokers, bankers and other professionals, activists and “thinkers” to share their general thoughts and opinions with the audience and give the listeners an opportunity for live call-in Q&A with the guests.

Disclaimer: The author is not an attorney, CPA or licensed consumer services professional. Neither this article, other writings or the “The Gallant Goose & Friends” internet radio show constitute legal, accounting or any other state licensed service advice. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author or guests. All information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Contact a licensed professional in your area for legal or accounting advice.
 “How to Win in Court” and “Fix My Report” are sponsors of The Gallant Goose TM.

Original Work © 2016-2019 & The Gallant Goose (TM), All Rights Reserved. Duplication rights granted under “Fair Use Doctrine” non-profit & educational use only. Referenced work of others is the copyright property of the respective authors or their heirs or assigns.

Do you really want to know what is wrong with the US Postal Service?

If you really want to know what is wrong with the US Postal Service, don’t believe Pelosi and Congress.
A Democrat controlled Congress caused this 50 years ago! The chickens have come home to roost!

The “US Post Office” (USPO) is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution. The “US Postal Service” (USPS) is not. It is a sub-contractor to the “US Post Office” to assist in carrying out its duties.

First of all, for all you folks who were born after 1960 – the “US Postal Service” (USPS) IS NOT the “US Post Office” (USPO).
In 1970, a Democrat controlled House and Senate (Congress) and Nixon killed it. This was after Kennedy had granted the postal workers collective bargaining in 1962. In 1970 postal workers launched wildcat strikes, stopping the mail. They laid off all the workers and created a new business that they had to apply for, ending the former union’s control and signing a new no-strike contract (like FAA traffic controllers). The Postmaster General, who was a top level cabinet position since Ben Franklin, was then demoted to being a subject under the Secretary of State and since has little authority. The “US Postal Service” (USPS) is now nothing more than a quasi-public large business enterprise operated by the federal government under the Executive branch. Ben Franklin is rolling in his grave.

For a detailed history of its successes and failures read this article (10 min).

“The Lost Genius of the Post Office” By KEVIN KOSAR
For almost two centuries, the humble-seeming mail was a hotbed of new ideas. What happened?

We think a lot about how innovation arises, but not enough about how it gets quashed. And the USPS is a great example of both. Today, what was once a locus of innovation has become a tired example of bureaucratic inertia and government mismanagement. The agency always faced an uphill battle, with frequent political interference from Congress, and the ubiquity of the internet has changed how Americans communicate in unforeseeable ways. But its descent into its current state was not foretold. A series of misguided rules and laws have clipped the Post Office’s wings, turning one of the great inventors of the government into yet another clunky bureaucracy. As a new administration once again takes up the cause of “reinventing government,” it’s worth considering what made the Post Office one of the most inventive parts of the nation’s infrastructure—and what factors have dragged it down.

Things began to change in the 1960s. Postal workers unionized, and President John F. Kennedy authorized them to bargain collectively in 1962. Despite growing mail volume, the Post Office ran perennial deficits, and its investment in the guts of the system—mail receipt and sortation—lagged. The system broke down in Chicago in 1966, and 10 million pieces of mail were backlogged for days.

After a wildcat strike broke out in New York City in 1970, Congress abolished the Post Office Department and replaced it with the U.S. Postal Service, an independent agency. The Postal Reform Act removed some of the congressional involvement in its operations. In exchange, policymakers reduced the agency’s dependency on the U.S. Treasury and demanded it become self-sufficient.

This new-look Post Office had been conceived by a Nixon-appointed corps of braintrusters and businessmen with the aim of turning the agency into a public corporation with minimal political interference. Instead, the plan infused the new agency’s DNA with some of the same clashing political interests that were hobbling the agency. Big mailers benefit from subsidies written into the law. Postal workers must be unionized and are entitled to bargain collectively over wages, compensation and working conditions. Folks in far-flung Alaska and Hawaii are entitled to the same postage rates and services as everyone else—no matter the cost—and Congress continues to insist that mail be delivered six days per week to appease certain big mailers, postal unions and some rural residents. The baroque rate-setting structure meant the USPS had to plod through quasi-judicial proceedings lasting many months each time it needed to raise postage prices.



“First they came …” is the poetic form of a prose post-war confession first made in German in 1946 by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984). It is about the cowardice of German intellectuals and certain clergy (including, by his own admission, Niemöller himself) following the Nazis’ rise to power and subsequent incremental purging of their chosen targets, group after group. Many variations and adaptations in the spirit of the original have been published in the English language. It deals with themes of persecution, guilt, repentance, and responsibility.


  • “They came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
  • Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
  • Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
  • Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
  • Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”


  • They came first for Conservatives, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Conservative.
  • Then they came for Libertarians, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Libertarian.
  • Then they came for Liberals, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Liberal.
  • Then they came for Big Businesses, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Big Business.
  • Then they came for the Major Networks, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Major  Network.
  • Then they came for Social Media, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t Social Media.
  • Then they came for Orthodox Christians, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an Orthodox Christian.
  • Then they came for Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
  • Then they came for Muslims, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muslim.
  • Then they came for Police, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t the Police.
  • Then they came for Government, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t the Government.
  • Then they came for ME, and by that time NO ONE ELSE REMAINED to speak up alongside ME.




greg da’ goose

Note: greg da’ goose is a contributing author to the Gallant Goose and other blogs. Opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the position of The Gallant Goose & Friends.

Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

Are bill collectors or court cases messing with your credit score or causing credit damage?
go to
fast… easy… final

The author Greg “‘da Goose”  is the founder and host of “The Gallant Goose & Friends” TM internet radio show and podcast heard on Talkshoe channel 139335. The show focuses on consumer and homeowner defense and attack strategies and provides a forum for guest attorneys, accountants, brokers, bankers and other professionals, activists and “thinkers” to share their general thoughts and opinions with the audience and give the listeners an opportunity for live call-in Q&A with the guests.

Disclaimer: The author is not an attorney, CPA or licensed consumer services professional. Neither this article, other writings or the “The Gallant Goose & Friends” internet radio show constitute legal, accounting or any other state licensed service advice. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author or guests. All information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Contact a licensed professional in your area for legal or accounting advice.
 “How to Win in Court” and “Fix My Report” are sponsors of The Gallant Goose TM.

Original Work © 2016-2019 & The Gallant Goose (TM), All Rights Reserved. Duplication rights granted under “Fair Use Doctrine” non-profit & educational use only. Referenced work of others is the copyright property of the respective authors or their heirs or assigns.

Foreclosure Hour Sunday 05-24-20 – Law Review No 10 Newest Developments In Foreclosure Defense

May 24, 2020 – On today’s weekly Sunday show we feature our tenth in our new law review series devoted to exclusively bringing our listeners timely summaries of the newest developments impacting foreclosure defense aired by us exclusively on The Foreclosure Hour approximately once monthly, at no charge, as a public service of the Dubin Law Offices.

This series is presently the only way that homeowners and their attorneys as well as judges and legislators can keep up-to-date on new developments nationwide in this important ever changing area of the law…

*Note from Greg da’ Goose: Remember, as good as he is, Gary is in Hawaii and is just one man in a sea of 400 million Americans. He probably can’t be there for you when the poop hits the fan. If in your jurisdiction,  you can’t afford a lawyer or they blow you off, you can’t do wrong by subscribing to this important legal educational program by following this link. You’ll be glad you did. I was! click here: “How to Win in Court with or without a lawyer

Listen Live on the Internet from I-Heart Radio:
Sundays *(8PM Eastern, 7PM Central, 6PM Mountain, 5PM Pacific, 3PM Hawaii)

* Please note that during Daylight Standard Time – from 11/03/2019 through 03/10/2020 the Foreclosure Hour is heard as shown by the times listed above.

Have your questions answered on the air.
CALL IN LIVE AT (808) 521-8383 or Submit questions a few hours in advance to

Go here listen to replays of previous shows and find reference documents:

By Gary Dubin

Our attention today, time permitting, is focused on recent important foreclosure defense related events reported in the past month while we have aired rebroadcasts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, having we believe national importance, including:

1. The Hawaii Supreme Court in PennyMac v. Godinez, CAAP-18-0000185 (May 13, 2020) (certiorari granted to review denial, based on res judicata, of post-judgment Rule 60(b) Motion challenging unappealed foreclosure summary judgment);

2. The Illinois Appellate Court, First District, in US Bank v. Miller, 2020 IL App. 2d) 191029 (2020) (held statute of limitations is one year for both TILA damage and rescission claims);

3. The Illinois Appellate Court, Second District, in JP Chase Bank v. Robinson, 2020 IL App (2d) 190275 (2020) (held bona fide foreclosure sale not void by personal service defect not apparent in record below);

4. The Indiana Court of Appeals in its recent Mannion decision (2020) (held successive filing and dismissing of foreclosure complaints invoke res judicata protection with prejudice for mortgage borrowers giving them their property “free and clear”).

5. The Massachusetts Federal District Court in ACA International v. Healey, CV 20-10767-RGS, 2020 WL 2198366 (May 6, 2020) (held state ban on debt collection calls during COVID-19 declared unconstitutional);

6. The New Jersey Chancery Court, Bergen County, in BV001 REO Blocker, LLC v. HB (USA) Properties, LLC (2020) (held tax sale reversed since owner was ill and missed appeal deadline due to wrong deadline advice from his counsel);

7. The New Mexico Bankruptcy Court in Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe v. United States Small Business Administration, Adversary No. 20-1026, No. 18-13027 D.N.M. May 1, 2020 (held SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) cannot exclude bankruptcy debtors otherwise eligible);

8. The Ohio Supreme Court in Farmers State Bank v. Sponaugle, 157 Ohio St. 3rd 151, 2019-Ohio-2518 (held foreclosure judgment is final and appealable even if ministerial computations are to be performed at a later date to determine amounts owing, with a concurring opinion stating that a confirmed sale can occur in Ohio even without a prior foreclosure decree);

9. E-Note and E-Mortgage and E-Closing usage is rapidly increasing due to COVID-19, challenging existing loan transactional doctrines;

10. COVID-19 state foreclosure moratorium alert: in Alabama, California, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah;

11. Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, HUD and FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) announce COVID-19 payment deferrals for mortgage defaults;

12. Indiana law alert: allowing junior lienholder to strip senior lienholder of any participation in any foreclosure sale and distribution of net sale proceeds if senior lienholder does not appear in the foreclosure case;

13. Residential mortgage repurchase claims alert: repurchase claims expected to accelerate against mortgage originators and financial pressure upon loan services to pay securitized investors expected as a result of announced widespread CARES Act mortgage forbearances;

14. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Regulations alert: more paperwork coming signifying nothing;

15. COVID-19 Civil Litigation impact alert: proceedings criticized and deferred in civil cases, for example, in California, Florida, Indiana, and New York, including foreclosure proceedings, changes in credit reporting requirements, and discussions in Illinois about using equity receivers in foreclosure cases.

Listen in today for another of our timely law reviews, enabling our listeners to be the first to become aware of new developments in foreclosure defense and most importantly how those new developments might affect individual foreclosure cases.

Our law review shows also provide a contemporary teaching framework for analyzing significant foreclosure defense issues and trends for our listeners throughout the United States.

Our listeners in particular facing foreclosure cannot afford not to be aware of these latest cases, the knowledge of which could make the difference whether individual homes in foreclosure proceedings ultimately can be saved.



Gary Victor Dubin
Dubin Law Offices
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Office: (808) 537-2300
Licensed in California and Hawaii

Note: Gary Dubin is a contributing author to the Gallant Goose and other blogs. Opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the position of The Gallant Goose & Friends.

Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

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fast… easy… final

The author Greg “‘da Goose”  is the founder and host of “The Gallant Goose & Friends” TM internet radio show and podcast heard on Talkshoe channel 139335. The show focuses on consumer and homeowner defense and attack strategies and provides a forum for guest attorneys, accountants, brokers, bankers and other professionals, activists and “thinkers” to share their general thoughts and opinions with the audience and give the listeners an opportunity for live call-in Q&A with the guests.

Disclaimer: The author is not an attorney, CPA or licensed consumer services professional. Neither this article, other writings or the “The Gallant Goose & Friends” internet radio show constitute legal, accounting or any other state licensed service advice. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author or guests. All information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Contact a licensed professional in your area for legal or accounting advice.
 “How to Win in Court” and “Fix My Report” are sponsors of The Gallant Goose TM.

Original Work © 2016-2019 & The Gallant Goose (TM), All Rights Reserved. Duplication rights granted under “Fair Use Doctrine” non-profit & educational use only. Referenced work of others is the copyright property of the respective authors or their heirs or assigns.

Foreclosure Hour Sunday 05/17/20 – Law Review No 9 Newest Developments In Foreclosure Defense

May 17, 2020 – On today’s weekly Sunday show we feature our ninth in our new law review series devoted to exclusively bringing our listeners timely summaries of the newest developments impacting foreclosure defense aired by us exclusively on The Foreclosure Hour approximately once monthly, at no charge, as a public service of the Dubin Law Offices.

This series is presently the only way that homeowners and their attorneys as well as judges and legislators can keep up-to-date on new developments nationwide in this important ever changing area of the law…

*Note from Greg da’ Goose: Remember, as good as he is, Gary is in Hawaii and is just one man in a sea of 400 million Americans. He probably can’t be there for you when the poop hits the fan. If in your jurisdiction,  you can’t afford a lawyer or they blow you off, you can’t do wrong by subscribing to this important legal educational program by following this link. You’ll be glad you did. I was! click here: “How to Win in Court with or without a lawyer

Listen Live on the Internet from I-Heart Radio:
Sundays *(8PM Eastern, 7PM Central, 6PM Mountain, 5PM Pacific, 3PM Hawaii)

* Please note that during Daylight Standard Time – from 11/03/2019 through 03/10/2020 the Foreclosure Hour is heard as shown by the times listed above.

Have your questions answered on the air.
CALL IN LIVE AT (808) 521-8383 or Submit questions a few hours in advance to

Go here listen to replays of previous shows and find reference documents:

By Gary Dubin

Our attention today, time permitting, is focused on recent important foreclosure defense related events reported in the past two months while we have aired rebroadcasts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, having we believe national importance, from:

1. The Supreme Courts of Arkansas, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, Texas, Virginia, and Wyoming; and

2. The United States Courts of Appeals for the First, Fourth, Seventh, and Ninth Judicial Circuits.

Listen in today for another of our timely law reviews, enabling our listeners to be the first to become aware of new developments in foreclosure defense and most importantly how those new developments might affect individual foreclosure cases.

Our law review shows also provide a contemporary teaching framework for analyzing significant foreclosure defense issues and trends for our listeners throughout the United States.

Our listeners in particular facing foreclosure cannot afford not to be aware of these latest cases, the knowledge of which could make the difference whether individual homes in foreclosure proceedings ultimately can be saved.



Gary Victor Dubin
Dubin Law Offices
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Office: (808) 537-2300
Licensed in California and Hawaii

Note: Gary Dubin is a contributing author to the Gallant Goose and other blogs. Opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the position of The Gallant Goose & Friends.

Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

Are bill collectors or court cases messing with your credit score or causing credit damage?
go to
fast… easy… final

The author Greg “‘da Goose”  is the founder and host of “The Gallant Goose & Friends” TM internet radio show and podcast heard on Talkshoe channel 139335. The show focuses on consumer and homeowner defense and attack strategies and provides a forum for guest attorneys, accountants, brokers, bankers and other professionals, activists and “thinkers” to share their general thoughts and opinions with the audience and give the listeners an opportunity for live call-in Q&A with the guests.

Disclaimer: The author is not an attorney, CPA or licensed consumer services professional. Neither this article, other writings or the “The Gallant Goose & Friends” internet radio show constitute legal, accounting or any other state licensed service advice. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author or guests. All information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Contact a licensed professional in your area for legal or accounting advice.
 “How to Win in Court” and “Fix My Report” are sponsors of The Gallant Goose TM.

Original Work © 2016-2019 & The Gallant Goose (TM), All Rights Reserved. Duplication rights granted under “Fair Use Doctrine” non-profit & educational use only. Referenced work of others is the copyright property of the respective authors or their heirs or assigns.

$1.6T in century-old Chinese bonds offer USA unique leverage against Beijing

$1.6T in century-old Chinese bonds offer USA unique leverage against Beijing

‘Americans pay their debts. China needs to do the same’


As the Trump administration seeks ways to penalize China for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, it need look no further than Tennessee.

The Lewisburg, Tennessee-based American Bondholder Foundation holds $1.6 trillion of century-old Chinese debt, including interest, dating to before the founding of the communist People’s Republic of China, that it wants the administration’s help in redeeming. There is an estimated $6 trillion or more of the debt outstanding worldwide.

The bonds were issued by the Republic of China — which ousted the imperial government in a coup — as far back as 1912 and backed by gold; they were defaulted on in 1938. The ROC government fled to Taiwan, where it remains the official ruling body, after Mao Zedong’s communist party took over following the 1949 end of the revolution.

Beijing maintains Taiwan is part of China, and under international law, successor governments are responsible for the debts of their predecessors.

President Trump is a “’promises made, promises kept’ president, and he said to my face that he was going to do this transaction, do this deal, and hold China accountable,” Jonna Bianco, president and chairwoman of the American Bondholder Foundation, told FOX Business.

Bianco, who has power of attorney for 95 percent of the thousands of U.S. bondholders, said making China repay its debt would “not be punishment,” but rather a basic fundamental of international finance.

There’s international precedent for such a move: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ordered Beijing in 1987 to make good on the bonds owned by Brits or lose access to the British capital markets. Then-Chinese President Li Xiannian’s government obliged, reaching a settlement of 23.5 million British pounds.

By paying some bondholders and not others, Beijing is technically in selective default, according to the ratings of bond-risk firms Moody’s, Standard & Poors and Fitch. Until China pays, it cannot sell debt on the international market, Bianco said.

The U.S. and China normalized relations in 1979, but cables dating as far back as May 1973 viewed by FOX Business show the State Department told Beijing that while the debt didn’t have to be paid at that time, it would not be forgiven.

There have been attempts to litigate pre-Communist party bonds in the past.

A class-action lawsuit brought by Hukung railway bondholders was thrown out in 1979 under the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, which establishes limits on lawsuits against foreign governments.

Since then, developments in a few cases have suggested sovereign immunity might not be as strong with regard to certain types of debt, but those cases could be tied to specific language within the bond contracts themselves.

“It’s a difficult suit to bring just because at this point, it’s really very old,” Odette Lienau, associate dean and professor of law at Cornell University, told FOX Business. “Technically, these don’t necessarily expire, but in practice, doing something like this is going to be difficult. You have to be legally creative with how you would do it.”

Bianco spent a year researching the issue and working with the White House, State Department, Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Trade Commission, former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, former Congressman Bart Gordon and former Congressman Walter Jones when the American Bondholder Foundation was founded in August 2001.

While not widely accepted in international law, the doctrine of odious debt, which is akin to China’s argument, states national debt incurred by an illegitimate regime is not enforceable.

The U.S. made a similar argument when faced with the burden of Confederate obligations following the end of the Civil War. Congress in 1868 passed the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which says “neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States.”

While there’s a “plausible legal argument” for redeeming the bonds, Lienau said, it’s “politically difficult.” Bianco, who met with Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin about the matter in 2018 while the U.S. and China were negotiating a phase one trade deal, said the U.S. Treasury could take the bonds in and use them to offset the nation’s debt with China.

The U.S. might then say it considers the bonds paid, but China could still dispute that, bringing the two sides back to square one.

“Ultimately, this is going to have to be some kind of negotiated settlement if it gets taken up,” Lienau said. “If not, the U.S. just continues making the payments on the national debt.”

A spokesperson for the Treasury Department did not respond to FOX Business’ request for comment.

The Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, established under former President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, helps U.S. citizens collect on defaulted bonds from foreign governments and has settled 47 cases. If the group were to successfully resolve this case, it would be the 48th.

Bianco’s clients would be willing to take “pennies on the dollar,” she said, letting the rest go toward helping repay a national debt that has swelled to more than $25 trillion as policymakers have taken unprecedented action to shield the economy from fallout related to COVID-19.

The government has extended trillions of dollars of aid to combat record job losses and the sharpest contraction of the post-World War II era, caused by a virtual shutdown of the U.S. economy through stay-at-home orders intended to limit the virus’ spread.

Both the Trump administration and some members of Congress have in recent weeks been looking at ways to punish Beijing for what they call an insufficient initial response to COVID-19, first identified in Wuhan, China, at the end of last year.

FOX Business learned on Monday that the administration is forging ahead with plans to divest $4 billion of worth of equity stakes in Chinese companies held by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. But other options are limited.

“There is almost no clean-cut tool that you can use to put pressure on China without hurting ourselves,” Xiaobo Lu, political science professor at Barnard College of Columbia University, told FOX Business.

Earlier this month, Sens. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. and Steve Daines, R-Mont., introduced the Stop China-Originated Viral Infectious Disease Act, which, if passed, would give Americans the right to sue China for the damage COVID-19 has caused to the economy and human life.

Another group of senators, led by Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., have introduced the COVID-19 Accountability Act, which would give Trump the authority to impose sanctions and travel bans, restrict loans to Chinese businesses by U.S. firms and ban Chinese companies from listing on U.S. stock exchanges.

Lu pushed back on the feasibility of those options, however, noting that the U.S. has “already done quite a bit” in terms of sanctions and that Chinese companies can list their shares in other international markets.

Fighting to collect payment on the aging Republic of China notes would have none of those drawbacks, though it might prove as arduous a struggle as negotiating a trade deal. Still, Bianco says, the U.S. would have the weight of common law and moral responsibility on its side.

“Americans pay their debts,” Bianco said. “China needs to do the same.”

Foreclosure Hour Sunday 05/10/20 – Foreclosure Workshop #78: HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union v. Monalim -Hawaii Supreme Court

pdf icon 3836884586-Monalim-Opinion.pdf

May 10, 2020 – Foreclosure Workshop #78: HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union v. Monalim (Hawaii Supreme Court, April 30, 2020) — The Abolition of Unjust Enrichment in the Awarding of Foreclosure Deficiency Judgments, the Emerging Majority Rule. Hawaii court re-defines the law. (See final opinion attached as PDF).

This series is presently the best way that homeowners and their attorneys as well as judges and legislators can keep up-to-date on new developments nationwide in this important ever changing area of the law…..

Gary Dubin, J.D. returns to the airwaves May 10, 2020 after a 90 day pause whilst recovering from surgery and rehab. We are delighted he has made a full recovery and is “back in the saddle”. Please join us in congratulating him for his tenacity and willingness to continue to share cutting edge information in the field of foreclosure law, defense and attack strategies. – Go Gary! Email:

*Note from Greg da’ Goose: Remember, as good as he is, Gary is in Hawaii and is just one man in a sea of 400 million Americans. He probably can’t be there for you when the poop hits the fan. If in your jurisdiction,  you can’t afford a lawyer or they blow you off, you can’t do wrong by subscribing to this important legal educational program by following this link. You’ll be glad you did. I was! click here: “How to Win in Court with or without a lawyer

Listen Live on the Internet from I-Heart Radio:
Sundays *(8PM Eastern, 7PM Central, 6PM Mountain, 5PM Pacific, 3PM Hawaii)

* Please note that during Daylight Standard Time – from 11/03/2019 through 03/10/2020 the Foreclosure Hour is heard as shown by the times listed above.

Have your questions answered on the air.
CALL IN LIVE AT (808) 521-8383 or Submit questions a few hours in advance to

Go here listen to replays of previous shows and find reference documents:

By Gary Dubin

There is no more abusive aspect of foreclosure litigation in the United States than the manner in which American jurisdictions have historically been calculating the amount of a foreclosure deficiency judgment following sale confirmation.
Traditionally, States have held homeowners and businesses alike liable for short falls in the payment of mortgages following final foreclosure sales by subtracting the confirmed sale price from the amount owed. The amount of difference automatically becomes a recorded money judgment against the foreclosed homeowner.
As a result, when the foreclosing plaintiff or a third party buys a property in foreclosure for less than what is owed, a deficiency judgment if requested has traditionally been entered in favor of the foreclosing plaintiff by courts, regardless of the actual true, fair value of the property at time of the confirmed foreclosure sale.
The acknowledged unfairness in the traditional approach frequently will allow the foreclosing plaintiff to reap windfall profits, receiving title to the property or the closing purchase payment from a third party buyer, and in addition a bloated deficiency judgment, the result of a forced, rushed sale that everyone agrees yields a less than market value sale price, often producing a near double recovery or in some cases even more.
It cannot be overemphasized how destructive the traditional deficiency judgment calculus has been to this Nation’s homeowners and businesses owning real property, for during the history of each State tens of millions of dollars or more in excess deficiency judgments have been permitted each year to unjustly enrich lenders, with little thought given to the unfairness of such a large and irresponsible shift in wealth, until recently.
A bare majority of States, now including Hawaii since last week, have finally declared that the traditional practice constitutes unjust enrichment and have replaced the traditional approach with a new, fairer way of calculating a deficiency judgment if there be any.
In HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union v. Monalim, the Hawaii Supreme Court joined the so far bare majority of States abolishing the traditional method for calculating deficiency judgments, which in Hawaii was judge made law.
The Monalim decision, entered by a 3-to-2 vote, is the subject of this Sunday’s radio show, with respect to the calculation of deficiency judgments, and we will discuss as well the other related major issue in the case, how long a foreclosing plaintiff should have for filing a deficiency judgment after confirmation of sale in terms of the doctrine of laches protecting against prejudicial delay.
Both the majority opinion and the concurring and minority opinion, which will be posted on our Website,, after the show, in the archives section of our Website along with the audio of this Sunday’s show, are exceptionally lengthy, but so is the topic, and many questions concerning its implementation in individual cases remain, to be developed in future litigation.
Indeed, both the majority opinion and the concurring and minority opinion represent the most thoughtful analysis on both sides given to this important area of the law anywhere, and worthy of careful study, in addition providing insight into appellate decision making. Its internal debate will inevitably be cited and guide future development of deficiency judgment laws throughout the United States.
This Sunday we examine the historical origins of the traditional approach and the many future problems likely to be encountered in the practical implementation of the Monalim Rule replacing it, and offer some support, some criticisms, and some suggested improvements in its future application in foreclosure cases.
Be with John and me this Sunday to get a head start to understand, shape, and benefit from the development of this important new approach to calculating deficiency judgments, whether you are a judge, a legislator, or an owner of real property, and whether your State has adopted the Monalim Rule, or if not, surely likely will.



Gary Victor Dubin
Dubin Law Offices
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Office: (808) 537-2300
Licensed in California and Hawaii

Note: Gary Dubin is a contributing author to the Gallant Goose and other blogs. Opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the position of The Gallant Goose & Friends.

Thank you all for your past listenership and support… We look forward to your comments…
Till next time… keep learning, stay enthusiastic and positive and best of luck to each of you in your personal journey!

Greg ‘da Goose & The Team at The Gallant Goose & Friends

Don’t forget to check out and download some 50 archived show recordings at:
or “like” us on our Facebook page at:

Note: If you received this via email, you are invited to find it again as a post on our blog at
Please consider registering as a user on the blog as an alternative to emails – which should allow you to add comments.

“Justice Should Be Blind, NOT You!” TM
Are you tired of bankers, corporations, municipalities and others run over you like a  speed-bump?
You are as powerful as the tools you master!
Subscribe to these valuable tools to help you win lawsuits with or without a lawyer.

Watch as attorneys ‘lay an egg’ when they find you are not just another goose to be plucked.
Just Click Here or on the Image below for REAL PERSONAL LEGAL POWER!

Are bill collectors or court cases messing with your credit score or causing credit damage?
go to
fast… easy… final

The author Greg “‘da Goose”  is the founder and host of “The Gallant Goose & Friends” TM internet radio show and podcast heard on Talkshoe channel 139335. The show focuses on consumer and homeowner defense and attack strategies and provides a forum for guest attorneys, accountants, brokers, bankers and other professionals, activists and “thinkers” to share their general thoughts and opinions with the audience and give the listeners an opportunity for live call-in Q&A with the guests.

Disclaimer: The author is not an attorney, CPA or licensed consumer services professional. Neither this article, other writings or the “The Gallant Goose & Friends” internet radio show constitute legal, accounting or any other state licensed service advice. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author or guests. All information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Contact a licensed professional in your area for legal or accounting advice.
 “How to Win in Court” and “Fix My Report” are sponsors of The Gallant Goose TM.

Original Work © 2016-2019 & The Gallant Goose (TM), All Rights Reserved. Duplication rights granted under “Fair Use Doctrine” non-profit & educational use only. Referenced work of others is the copyright property of the respective authors or their heirs or assigns.